As the boys are growing, I am seeing the importance of living simpler. I think that starts with our mindset and then shifts to our environment. Recently, I talked about downsizing the clutter in my Podcast Episode: Less is More . Along the same lines I am wanting to focus on a healthier and more sustainable life for my kids. So, here are the top 10 items I am hoping to add to our life in the next year!
In a move towards healthier living, I am trying to move my family towards SOUR DOUGH! I am currently using my
Pampered Chef Rockcrok but I am looking for an additional method. From the research I've done, cast iron seems to be a much healthier option compared to non-stick. I am excited to add this
Dutch Oven
to my kitchen! See the link below for the one I would like to add!
So many times people think sour dough has to be in a beautifully decorated lump but when you have boys that eat a lot of sandwiches, you need bread that is a bit more uniform in size! We have 2 tin loaf pans that NEED replaced! They are falling apart! This is what I want to replace them with because I found a great tutorial HERE on the loaf shaping! Click on the link below to see the ones we would like to add!
It never seems to fail that if we are going to lose power, it happens at dinner time when food is cooking or when the sun has just set. I have created quite a stockpile of candles over the years but have some concerns about the "healthiness" of their ingredients. SO an alternative is Lanterns. I would like to hang 2 hooks in the kitchen corners, 2 in the living room and one in the back room, that way when we lose power I have the downstairs pretty well covered and I don't have to worry about candles all over the place! Click below to see which ones we hope to add!