Are you getting Distracted?

Lindsay Spurrier • April 13, 2024

With every struggle I’ve ever had it comes down to one factor… my need to put my relationship with God first. 

As a mother we often find ourselves putting everyone else first because that’s what needs to happen. I always tell myself I’ll read my Bible once the baby is down for a nap, but then the toddler wants to read his book, and then the dishes need washed so you can make and serve lunch, and then the washer buzzer beeps and you need to get the clothes on the line and then the older boys need your help with their school work and then you hear the baby is up from his nap and by this time you need to get started on prepping dinner, getting the clothes in off the line, getting afternoon chores done, changing the millionth diaper for the day and before you know it the day is gone and bedtime is just around the corner. Where was there time for you to do anything for yourself and your relationship with God?

I tell myself I will get up early but then the baby refuses to go back to sleep in his crib and I'm trapped and its after 11 till I finally get the last child to bed for the final time but enough is enough I have to find a few minutes in the mix of my day to make this time a priority so my Bible Recap and my Bible are on top of my planner and it is written in my planner. No more excuses! If you want to jump in, the Bible Recap is a great way to do it!

But back to my main point, it is easy to get distracted with daily life. It’s also easy to get distracted with what’s going on in the world. I am one that gets suckered down bunny trails, no pun intended, but I go down these trails for example I know not everyone does the whole Easter Bunny thing and I never thought much of it but really it is no different from Santa and we don’t celebrate Santa. My boys know the story of Saint Nicolas and that Santa is based off of him but that there is no magical man that comes into the house to deliver gifts.

So, I was listening to someone criticize Christians who do participate in all the traditional festivities because they said it was founded on a pagan principal. So, then I was curious about what they were talking about, and I start researching more and find that in 325 the Council of Nicaea decided when Easter would be observed and so then I was like well does that mean we aren’t actually celebrating the real dates of when these events happened? And then I was reading that the original calendar had 13 months until 1775 and then I started getting confused about whether it was actually that important that we know the exact date or if the importance was the reason we were celebrating. And then I was thinking "But what if we are doing something wrong by not celebrating the Biblical Feasts" because someone said that’s what we should actually be doing, and all these thoughts are rambling through my brain while I was milking our cows the other evening and all at once I heard in my mind the phrase “You're getting distracted”. And I had to stop what I was doing and I’m like “wait, what?” and I heard it again, “You’re getting distracted”. 

The Bible says in 2nd Corinthians chapter 10 that we are to take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.

That means that we are responsible when our mind wanders. We have to keep our thoughts in check. So I started to process “Ok what is distracting me, what does this statement mean?” And the image of Jesus on the cross came into mind and I saw the 2 men nailed next to him. I had to get my Bible to make sure that I remember it correctly but in Luke chapter 23 verse 40 to 43 it is talking about how everyone is throwing insults at Jesus when he is put onto the cross, even the one sinner next to him also nailed down is like if you are so holy just get yourself down and verse 40 starts...

“But the other criminal rebuked him (meaning the second criminal is speaking to the first criminal) It goes on to say, “Don’t you fear God,” he said “since you are under the same sentence? We are punished justly, for we are getting what our deeds deserve. But this man has done nothing wrong.” Then he said, “Jesus remember me when you come into your kingdom.” Jesus answered him, “I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise.”

This criminal probably wasn’t a regular service attender, he probably wasn’t donating all he had, he obviously wasn’t on the right side of the law, but he saw who Jesus was and recognized how important Jesus was. Even as Jesus was suffering the most unimaginable pain, he could have rebuked this sinner like “who are you to talk to me?” but Jesus was concerned with this lost sheep even as he was dying. God doesn’t care about how many church services we attend or how many committees we serve on or how much we give financially; he cares about the state of our soul.

Do we know him? Do we realize we are broken, and he is the only glue that can put us back together? Do we desire to do his will? That’s what I believe God cares about.

So, no matter if you do a sunrise service or you do easter egg hunts or no easter bunny I think we get distracted with all those extras and we argue with each other over what is ok and what is not when in reality that isn’t where our focus needs to be. This is a season where we are celebrating the fact that Jesus finished it for us.

In the Bible he cries out “It is finished” or that is what the English translation is. The Greek word would have been “Tetelestai” which interestingly enough had several meanings in that time period.

#1 In a business context it indicated a literal debt was paid.

#2 In a judicial setting it meant that a sentence was fully served.

#3 In a military context it meant that a battle had been won.

So, Jesus was declaring that the debt of sin had been fully paid, the sentence of sin had been fully served and the spiritual battle against death and Satan was won! To me that is huge and a giant reminder that this historical event is what I need to stay focused on, not the bunny trails that my brain often wants to wander.

It is our job to keep our thoughts in check. Have you ever considered why our minds wander? If you think back to the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve ate the fruit from the tree of knowledge. I believe that it is human nature to be curious and to seek understanding but how much of that comes from the initial sin in that garden?

God provides us with what we need, it is human sin and the freedom we have been given to choose sin over good that is what leads to the destruction of people and the evil things that happen daily. These events can also be distractions. It isn’t a bad thing to be informed of what is happening in the world because you don’t want to be naive, but it can also be a fear tactic that the enemy uses. There was a bridge that just collapsed in Maryland the other day and all-over social media you see people saying how this is going to affect supply chains for this and that and how now is the time to buy all these supplies and get prepared for not having access to this and that and how this is just the beginning of the world shut down and all this. But events like this don’t need to frighten us. 

We have to keep our focus on God and his path for us. We have nothing to fear, we don't need to worry about the distractions in the news. Psalm 121 says “Lift up my eyes to the hills - where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. He will not let your foot slip- he who watchers over you will not slumber; indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. The Lord watches over you - the Lord is your shade at your right hand; the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night. The Lord will keep you from all harm - he will watch over your life; the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.”

I thought it was really interesting, I was reading in my Bible Recap about Saul towards the end of his life. So he is about to go into battle with Philistines and he is asking God for guidance and is not getting a response so he goes to a medium who supposedly can talk to the dead and he asks her to bring up Samuel who has died. Now my understanding of mediums is that either they are faking it or when they bring a spirit up those are demonic spirits. And people will be like “no they really were talking to my family member because they knew things that no one else would have” It is scary to think about, but Satan isn’t stupid, he studies us. He knows us. So of course he is going to know the inner workings of us. Of course, he is going to be able to pull off a stunt like that but anything to do with mediums or readings all of that stuff is demonic.

So, when this medium calls forth Samuel he appears, and she screams. My understanding is that this was not what she was used to, and the Bible Recap explains that in this situation God was actually intervening and Samuel was actually there based on this lady's reaction. But Saul says to Samuel what am I supposed to do, God is not answering me. And Samuel is like, you don’t get it, you didn’t follow Gods path, why would he keep talking to you if you weren’t going to listen in the first place. Sometimes when we allow ourselves to become so taken with the distractions around us, we veer off the path God set for us and then we are asking for help, but we want his help on our new self-created path and he is like nope I’m not helping you until you come back to the starting point where I wanted you. 

And that is why it is so important for us to invest in our relationship with God. Reading our Bible even if it is only a verse or two; it gives us something to maul over, something for our minds to focus on. And second is talking to God. We don’t have to have a prayer closet, we don’t have to have a daily on our knees prayer session, it can be while your washing dishes or rocking the baby. Telling God what is on your mind, asking for clarity, asking for guidance, thanking him for what he has given you. God wants us right where we are. He doesn’t want the world to distract us from the fact that even the most broken can be fixed through him we just have to ask. 

I pray that this can be an encouragement for you as you go through your week. No matter how broken we feel, God can glue us back together. Until next time I pray that your coffee is strong, your patience is stronger and that your light shines the strongest.

If you enjoyed reading this, make sure to listen to it on my podcast!



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