Sweet - Soft Bread and Rolls

Lindsay Spurrier • November 5, 2022

Fool Proof Bread!

If I can make it, anyone can! We go through so much bread in our home that it was silly to keep buying loaf after loaf especially when you realize all the "extra" ingredients the commercially made loaves, contain! THIS IS NOT MY OWN ORIGINAL RECIPE but I've tweaked it to find what works best for us! The original came from YouTube somewhere!

Supplies Needed

Large Mixing Bowl

Bread Pans

Measuring Cups

Ingredients Needed

2 cups warm water

2/3 cup sugar

1 1/2 T yeast

1 1/2 tsp salt

1/4 cup melted butter or oil

5-6 cups bread flour (you can use all-purpose but it doesn't get as light and fluffy in my opinion)


  1. Mix yeast, warm water and sugar in a bowl. Set aside a few minutes to proof (will look bubbly like the picture above).
  2. Once proofed, add in your oil, flour and then salt. Incorporate well with a spoon till it is starting to look like the picture below...

3. Continue to mix into a smooth dough ball, at this point you can use your hands to start kneading. Make sure to flour hands well before hand. Knead for a few minutes and then place back into a greased bowl, cover and let rise for 1 hour.

4. At the end of the first rising, punch the dough back down into the bowl, recover and let rise again for 1 hour.

5. Once the second rising is done, dump the dough out onto a floured surface, knead a few times and then divide into 2 sections. Now you have a choice - make bread loaves or make rolls. I like to do a bit of both!

FOR BREAD - Flatten out your dough and then roll it up, hot dog style. Pinch the seam to hold in place and tuck in the ends. Place into a greased pan and let rise 30 more minutes.

FOR ROLLS - Divide dough in half. Each half should make 18 small/medium size dinner rolls. Take each dough section and either roll it up into a ball or stretch the top of the dough smooth and pinch the bottom of the roll to hold in place. Set into a greased pan and set rolls very close to each other.

6. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes.

7. Cover with melted butter if you so choose; otherwise, enjoy!

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