I have taught high school agriculture education for 11 years! Growing up, 4-H was a big part of my life. I was in love with horses and joining 4-H was the perfect way to grow that passion. In high school I then added FFA to my extracurriculars. I knew I wanted to do something with animals and thought that veterinary work was where I wanted to head. My senior year I was elected as president of our 4-H club and realized that I loved teaching the younger kids. Paring this new love of teaching with my passion for animals, becoming an agricultural educator seemed like a solid fit!
During my college years I worked at Turpin Meadow Ranch in Jackson Hole, Wyoming which cemented my horse fascination! I also had the opportunity to work for the Pennsylvania Farm Bureau as an intern in the Agriculture Foundations family specifically developing curriculum materials for their Mobile Ag Lab!
Earning my first teaching position at Mifflinburg Area High School has been a whirlwind of experiences! I will always cherish the students that I’ve seen grow and the experiences that pushed me out of my comfort zone. Without all of these chapters in my life, I don’t know that I would have been brave enough to step onto this new path.
Rooted In – Faith, Family, Farmlife was created out of my desire to help others. I wanted to share my passion and experiences in terms of our homesteading and homeschooling chapters! When I made the decision to leave public education and follow my heart to homeschool my boys, I didn’t want that ability to influence others lives, to end. I still felt like God had put words on my heart that needed to be shared! Mom life is hard and I wanted to be a positive voice for moms just like me; hence the birth of the Rooted In podcast.
From the original idea of the podcast, this website was an extension. I needed a home for all my ideas. The deeper I have dug into homeschooling, I’ve realized there is a lack of agricultural learning materials for kids who are not involved in 4-H or FFA and I wanted to create those guides. I wanted to share tips and tricks for other moms looking to create more sustainable lifestyles for their families.
As you explore this website, it is my hope that you will find bits and pieces to encourage you, build you up, give you new ideas and inspirations! We are not meant to just live through life, God designed us to thrive!