Finding Happiness in the Everyday

Lindsay Spurrier • May 31, 2022

Are you HAPPY, like for real?

        The other evening my husband and I went out for our 11th wedding anniversary and after dinner we went to see a movie. One of the lines they said several times was to the main character… “Are you happy?” And the premise was, all through the movie the main guy was like, yeah why wouldn’t I be? I’ve accomplished so much when in reality he wasn’t, and he had to come to terms with being happy in the now moment not dwelling on the past. I think so often we do that. We smile on the outside but are we truly happy? The Bible says there are seasons for everything, and I don’t think we are meant to feel happiness all the time. But I think we can get so focused on the next step that we miss being happy right where we are. The bigger problem with that is there are so many lessons and experiences we can learn in those seasons.

         During our weekly Bible study, we were discussing the seasons of being single verse being married and importance of each season. For example, a season of singleness can help you to draw closer to God and figure out just who you are as an individual. What your strengths and weaknesses are… develop a relationship where you can truly focus on God. Paul talks about if you are single, it is a great way to stay because your attention isn’t divided, and you can totally focus on God. In the season of marriage, the Bible says that it is better for man to not be alone. I believe marriage was designed for one man and one woman, to strengthen each other and build each other up. There are so many people that no longer put a strong value on a God focused marriage and then when trials and tribulations come along the marriage crumbles or if God was never present in the marriage, then there is no foundation to start on. And no matter if we do marry or stay single, we need to find happiness where we are in that moment and not try to rush to get to the next moment.

         So that got me thinking, am I happy in the moment that I am in or am I waiting for the next moment. And the truth is, I think there is balance. Although I am excited for the next chapter in my life of staying home full time with my boys and focusing on homeschooling them, but I am happy in my current season too. Sometimes that happiness can get clouded because of our emotions or maybe things don’t go as planned but I want to share with you a few ways to focus on your happiness and build it up so when the cloudy days come, you have some sunshine in reserves.

Number 1 - Spend Time with God

reading the Bible with a cup of coffee

        We have so much to be thankful for and when we start off filling our cup with God then it runs over into every other cup that we are trying to juggle. In a season of having little ones, it can be hard to find quiet alone time without falling asleep… or maybe that’s just me. But what better way to model the importance of studying Gods word then with your children at your feet. Often, I will sit down to read and at least one needs to be on my lap and the others are usually playing nearby. It isn’t usually quiet, but we make it work. But if you are building up that relationship with God then when those harder days come where you don’t feel happiness per say, then you have God to confide to and he can help you walk through it.

Number 2 - Spend time doing something you Love

          In our home there are many things that I enjoy doing but some that I would say I love. I love working in the garden, reading and I love sewing. When you have a long to-do list though, sometimes those loves can just become another chore because they need to get done so you can move on to the next thing. My husband made that comment the other evening. I forget what I was doing but he was like, I think you need to get back into sewing or quilting again. There are always going to be things that take priority for one reason or another but call it "self-care" or whatever you want but we need to find things that we do just for us. I was listening to a podcast the other morning and she was saying that in our world where we use social media to highlight so much of our lives it is ok to not share everything. We can have something just for us to enjoy. Maybe that is your morning routine? My dad used to get up way earlier than he had too, and he would make a cup of coffee and just sit in the dark on top of our living room radiator and sip his coffee. He cherished that quiet alone time before the day started. My Grandma Newswanger used to quilt the most amazing blankets. I could sit and watch her for hours. My Grandma Weaver would do the same with puzzles. Often, they would sit there and work away, not saying much, just enjoying themselves in their work. It was something they did for them. What is something that you do, just for you? Find a way to spend time doing that because it fills one of your cups.

Number 3 - Slow Down

taking a walk through the woods

We have a culture of "go, go, go...". This morning as I was working on a few things I sat down at my son's school desk and just listened to the outside sounds. I watched the heifers sauntering across their pasture and I listened to the birds chattering away and took in the beauty of the morning. Life is meant to enjoy; we need to just slow down. Not to say that you should be productive. I stack habits often especially in the morning. I will listen to my podcast or my bible reading app while I get ready for the day but there are some days where you just need quiet and to be still. Nature is a great reminder that everything else works just fine without needing the hustle and bustle. This one can be challenging because we want to get everything done on our list to make sure that our home runs the way it should, and our homestead is taken care of and all the things, but the reality is that there is more to life than just checking things off a list. If it doesn’t get done today, there is always tomorrow. So, take the extra moment and read with your kids, step outside in the sunshine and drink that cup of tea or coffee while it is still hot, put your phone aside and spend some quality time outside focusing completely on who you are with. 

Number 4 - Romanticize your Life

Lavendar plant in hanger by the window

         What I mean by romanticize is more like ways to make the everyday special. I heard this from one of my favorite YouTube mamas Megan Fox Unlocked. These are little things to spruce up the norm. That might be making your coffee a bit fancier in the morning. I know I have a favorite mug. I can drink my coffee from anything, but I enjoy it more when it’s in that mug. I know some folks use special syrups or they make a little coffee bar just something to step it up a notch instead of going out and paying 6 bucks for a fancy coffee. It could be using a special pen when you fill out your planner. One that makes you feel special. I found these ones that are erasable! My life has changed lol. They are beautiful colors, and I can fix mistakes. It could be adding some decor around your home. We have added some plants around the inside of our home, and it just makes me so happy to see them. For example, our bathroom is very small, but I added a macramé hanging plant holder and planted a cascading Wandering Jew plant in it and it just brings me so much joy now every time I walk into the bathroom which sounds so silly but is legit. My students made me a beautiful wooden piece. It looks kind of like mismatched pallet wood and then it has a cross on the front and I purchased these clear mounted vases that I am going to put onto this wooden piece so I can put the Golden Pothos cuttings that I started a few months ago into the vases just to add a touch of beauty to our upstairs hallway.

          The point is we don’t need to have Pinterest perfect homes or have all the things to be happy. There are so many ways that we can make our everyday life special which in turn is going to increase our gratitude which increases our happiness. We can’t be giddy all the time, there are moments when life gets cloudy, and it rains but there are so many little things that we can do to enjoy life more. So, as you go through your week, I hope that you take note of the little things you already do that bring you joy. Maybe you realize there was something you used to do that you no longer do, and you bring that back into your life. We are only given one life to live, and I believe God wants us to be healthy and happy in that life. So, make the small changes that are going to help you achieve that.

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